The TTCA has Exclusively moved to SportsYou for Communication With Coaches
The responsibility to find out information about school tennis falls on you as a coach!
- There are a lot of coaches using SportsYou with their teams and athletic departments already.
- A school coach will need to join TTCA Coach, 2022 TTCA Convention, and any other group in order to receive related information.
- Spread the word with TTCA Members and Non-Members so that they do not miss out.
- All Notifications (including all this year's Convention Information) will only go out through SportsYou.
- We plan to have a place at check-in or the Trade Show to help coaches that are having trouble.
- SportsYou is becoming a norm for coaches to communicate with their teams and associations on the same platform.
- SportsYou can be accessed on a computer or smart phone depending on what the coach has
- Each coach will NEED to create a free account, join the appropriate group, and select how they want to receive information.
- Don't miss out on important information
