Introduction to Membership
A TTCA Membership gives you access to the Members Only pages on the TTCA website https://www.texastenniscoaches.com. This includes the Job Listings, Tournaments, scholarships and nominations for Academic All-State Awards for your players, and nominations for Coach of the Year, Special Awards, and Hall of Fame. It also gives you access to the Coach's Forum and Circle of Coaches pages which provides our coaches with a way to interact and discuss important issues in school tennis.
The TTCA will act as an advocate for all tennis coaches in the State of Texas regarding issues and concerns that affect their profession.
The TTCA will collectively advance and respond to professional concerns of tennis coaches and provide representation of tennis coaches at the state-level.
Provide professional development opportunities and programs for tennis coaches.
The TTCA will provide networking and collaborative opportunities for tennis coaches.
Provide opportunities for members to participate in the activities and program of the Association.
Gives you participation and results of surveys regarding school tennis issues
Gives you access to amenities that help save you time and trouble as a coach (ie Scorebook, etc.)
Types of Membership
Full Membership: Any person actively engaged in coaching tennis in a Texas school (1-12) or college (any level), and recognized by the school of the team he/she represents, is eligible for FULL membership after paying the required dues.
Associate Membership: Any other interested persons shall be eligible for ASSOCIATE membership upon compliance with the By-Laws of this Association.
Retired Membership: Any coach who is retired and no longer working for a school shall be eligible for RETIRED membership upon compliance with the By-Laws of this Association.
Hall of Fame Membership: Any coach who has been voted into or inducted into the Hall of Fame. The membership is for life of the coach.
Student Membership: Any student who is still taking classes in school and plans to consider coaching school tennis as a career.
Membership Year: The membership year shall extend from August 1st through July 31st
Membership Dues: The dues for a one year membership is $70. Retired dues are $35 a year for membership. Dues shall be collected at any time during the membership year and shall not be prorated.
Benefits of TTCA Membership
TTCA Convention in December
Networking, professional development opportunities, informative sessions and presentations, vendor fair
Wilson - TTCA Banquet
Attend TTCA General Session
Executive Director and Officers representation with the UIL and at Legislative Council Sessions
Provide up to date information on topics, issues, information, policy, procedures on the TTCA website